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02/07/2012 10:22


MARY'S MEALS Mary's Meals will visit our parish at all weekend Masses Saturday 14th July and Sunday 15th July 2012, to collect any clothing / textiles that you wish to donate. You will have the chance to by raffle tickets to support their work. At presant they are in 15 countries to set up...
18/06/2012 10:07


SUMMER FAYRE We would like to thank everyone who came out on a chilly evening to support our parish fayre, it was a wonderful evening. Many thanks to our organiser's, volunteers and all who gave in donations, we could not have done it without you. Indications are that we raised more than...
12/06/2012 08:12


BAPTISM We warmly congratulate the parents and family of Harry McDonald, who was baptised recently here at St Ninian's.
12/06/2012 07:38


YEAR OF FAITH 2012 - 2013.  PORTA FIDED The Holy Father has announced a Year of Faith to begin in October this year and conclude on the Solemnity of Christ the King next year. The Year of Faith challenges us to experience the Eucharist more and more as the source and summit of our own...
28/05/2012 12:40

Monsignor Owen Gallagher

ANNIVERSARY MASS Tomorrow evening 29th May 2012 at 7.00 pm we will celebrate Mass for Monsignor Gallagher in thanksgiving for his life and his ministry as a priest. We invite our parishioners to join with members of his family and brother priests on this the first anniversary of Monsignor...
27/05/2012 12:33


BAPTISM We warmly welcome to our parish Dylan McAneny who was baptised last weekend. Best wishes to his parents and family.
27/05/2012 12:01


PARISH FINANCE Many thanks to all our parishioners for your continued generosity towards our parish. The retiral collection last weekend raised the most generous sum of £1,395.   SEQUENCE DANCING Each Wednesday evening in Church hall at 7.30 pm. New members will be made most...
14/05/2012 10:35


BAPTISMS Congratulations to the families and friends of Rebecca Louise Logue and Teeghan Janette Mullen. Welcome to our parish comunity.
14/05/2012 10:11


FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Our congratulations to our primary4 children who celebrated their First Holt Communion last weekend. Many thanks to all who helped make it a special day.   PARISH SUMMER FETE Will be held on Friday 15th June 2012. Tickets on sale from 27th May 2012. Further...
10/05/2012 09:32


ANNIVERSARY MASS The first anniversary of Monsignor Gallagher much loved and respected by ourselves and others is on 29th May 2012. You are all invited to come to remember him in prayer at evening Mass on Tuesday 29th May 2012 at 7.00 pm.  May he rest in peace, Amen.

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St Ninian's St. Ninian's Church
5 Baldwin Avenue
G13 2EE
0141 959 1308